Scribes with Scrolls Christmas Special | Page 23

social media has just given us a wider playing field in this destructive game.

But, what if? What if, this Christmas, we sought to one-up each other in showing honor? What if we set out to “out-love” one another? “Out-encourage” one another? “Out-share the gospel?” What if we sought to “out-give” one another things we really need? Pretty candles are nice but what we really need is a little more of Jesus’ light in this sometimes dark world. Another batch of Christmas cookies is lovely but what we really need is some nourishment for our hungry souls. Holiday music is fun, but what we really need may be the invitation to sit in silence with a friend and know they love us. What if we sought to one-up each other, not in the showy, exhausting, expensive things, but in the small ways that really matter? After all, just like Poem Time, the real gift is in the adventure, the time, the giving. Intention is an astounding gift. Time is priceless. Words of blessing will never be outgrown or break. None of us will unwrap too much peace. How can you make this a One-up Christmas?


Lesley is the wife of the "boy next door," part-time homeschooling mother of four, wannabe homesteader, blogger, lover of Jesus, and encourager of women.