Stacey Wilson
Christmas is such a special time of the year for me. The twinkling of lights, the smell of pine burning from my favorite candle, the Cajun dishes of tradition as my family gathers together telling stories of Christmas past with laughter and if the weather here in the deep south permits, the fireplace glowing soft ambers dancing off the sound waves of love from family and friends, all in which warms my soul and expands my heart.
Though I have many beautiful memories of Christmas past, one that always comes to mind and never fails to leave me with a giggle, would be the year my baby sister and myself were both single moms and decided to spend the night at our mom’s house for Christmas Eve. Her son and my daughter, being 5 months apart in age, both were very young and just learning about Christmas and Santa so the perfect idea was to have Santa come for them both at Nana’s house.
As excited as we were to have them open gifts together I had one problem. My daughter who was 5 months shy of turning two had wanted a rocking horse for Christmas; you know the ones with the springs that would allow her to bounce and rock to eternity and beyond? I had no clue how to put it together. My baby brother was still in high school at the time and for all intense purposes the man of our family, I asked him to please put her horse together for me. With his