Women are busy. And we’re approaching a season of the year of extreme busyness. So on top of all the “stuff” we do daily, like work, cleaning house, volunteer work, taking care of people in our lives who need our help (children, husband, parents, etc.), we are put to the test with extra work and expectations surrounding the holidays. I’m not saying I don’t have fun and enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas but don’t you agree they add an extra load to our already busy schedule?
So I want to look at what the Word says about rest. We all need rest. All of us need physical rest and some of us need rest from worries, deadlines, and pressures of expectations. Do you get the picture? So I’ve been hearing the words “resting in the Lord” a lot lately. You know, I asked the Lord what He wanted me to write about and He gave me that one word REST. That was three weeks ago. Since then, everywhere I turn I’m hearing people talk about that “rest” we find in Jesus, even the devotionals I choose to read. Wonder what I need to learn? I first looked up the word in the dictionary and this is what I found, among other definitions, for the definition of rest.