on my work. u SB How do you get your ideas? Andy: I spend
a lot of time collecting images online and taking photos and
sketches of things I like. I visit museums, look at graffiti, and
look out of the window on buses. I like to take the everyday
and twist it in to something fantastic. u SB What are your
interests outside of illustration? Andy: I enjoy painting pieces
on the street, but that is part of my illustration work I suppose.
I like listening to music, drinking in real ale pubs, reading about
dinosaurs and Cryptozoology. I love the whole alien big cats in
the UK thing, like the Beast Of Bodmin and all that, not sure if
that’s a healthy interest though. u SB Tell us about a favourite
recent project. Andy: I recently did a mural for the University
of Bath’s Innovation Centre. It was great to work back in my old
hometown and I was really pleased with how the piece came
out. u SB What would be your dream commission? Andy: Work
for a Dinosaur Museum somewhere or do a field trip to a city
like New York or Tokyo and create dinosaur pieces of them. u
SB If you won the lottery what would you do with the money?
Andy: Buy our studio so we can keep it and not have it knocked
Andy Council’s Favourites
Magazines Fortean Times. VNA (www.verynearlyalmost.com)
Website Cryptomundo (www.cryptomundo.com)
Art Equipment Belton Molotow spray paint, Posca pens
Holiday Travelling around the coast of Croatia
Drink Bristol Beer Factory Milk Stout