completed. Robert: I’ve been working on a huge ongoing project
for Harvard University Press. I’m illustrating portrait covers for
the John Harvard Library series. u SB What would be your dream
commission? Robert: To illustrate for Rolling Stone magazine.
u SB Who are your art heroes? Robert: Norman Rockwell, Egon
Shiele, John Singer Sargent, Frederic Remington, Andrew Wyeth,
Steve Huston, Jenny Saville. u SB Who are your musical heroes?
Robert: Puncture Vine (my brother’s band), Broken Social Scene,
Explosions in the Sky, Built to Spill, David Gray, Crystal Method, DJ
Shadow, Orbital, Pink Floyd, Johnny Cash, Nick Cave, Radiohead.
u SB If you were not an illustrator, what would you be? Robert: A
professional Chef or a movie special effects guy. u SB If you could
travel back in time which period would you visit and why? Robert:
I’d only go back a few years and remedy some incidents from my
past. u SB What is your favourite game? Robert: I have a blast
playing Thumb Wars with my nephew, where you lock fingers
with the other in a fist and try to wrestle your opponent’s thumb
down first. Other than that I dig video games like; Oblivion, Fallout,
Uncharted, and Motorstorm.
Robert Carter’s Favourites
Café The Desert Rose Cafe, 130 Metcalfe Street, Ontario, Canada
Gallery 119 Spring St, New York, New York, NY 10012
Art equipment Griffin Oils
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Blog Drawn (http:/
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