interview with an illustrator
Robert Carter
Ontario based artist
Robert Carter tells of
how Norman Rockwell
was, and still is his
bigg est influence . . .
u SB What drew you to illustration? Robert: I’ve always had a
talent and interest for the visual arts, even as a young child it
was clearly evident. I love colour and texture and expression. It’s
almost as if I had no other choice but to become an illustrator. u
SB Do you have any formal design training? Robert: I graduated
from Sheridan College of Art and Design’s Illustration program
in 2002. u SB Where do you live now and what drew you there?
Robert: I live in a small town called Baden in Ontario Canada. It’s
very near where I grew up and many of my childhood friends and
close family still live here. u SB Describe your studio. Robert: It’s
in the basement of my house. One half is my office and the other
half is my painting studio. u SB Who is your biggest inspiration?
Robert: Norman Rockwell definitely was the biggest influence on
me in regards to illustration growing up. His paintings still impact
my work today. u SB How do you get your ideas? Robert: They
can come from anything; movies, music, literature, nature, personal
experiences, dreams etc. You never know what a piece of art will
be born of. u SB Tell us about a favourite project you’ve recently