Scrapbook Notebook Series Scrapbook #3 | Página 20
“Our job has been to turn the project into some kind of reality in terms
of making sure that we know exactly what it is going to be, working with
architects, getting up to real estate to see early concept designs, finding
out what it’s all going to cost and, of course, launching our fund-raising
campaign,” says Craig.
We’ll be continually showing that illustration has
such a dynamic and amazing ability to communicate,
and it communicates on so many different levels.
Illustrations by Derek Bacon
Flora Craig, Project Director, House of Illustration
What we’ll find inside is something the trustees and staff have
discussed at length. Quentin Blake has pledged his entire collection to
the HoI, covering a career of over 30 years during which he’s illustrated
over 250 books and countless magazine and newspaper pieces.
However, until the building has been secured, there are no plans to
extend the gallery’s holdings. Blake’s work will be complemented by
temporary exhibitions.
So the HoI isn’t typecast as a place devoted to Blake, or a gallery
of picture book work, the content of these other exhibitions will be
crucial. Flora Craig puts forward all kinds of suggestions from shows
of the greatest advertising illustrations to iPad apps and on to ways of
displaying digital work. “You could see something very historic, looking
at somebody whose work has been very influential and who might no
longer be with us, against a show of young illustrators from Japan,” she
says. “The idea is that we’re constantly exploring the notion of what
illustration is.”
Even without a home, the HoI is already spreading the word via a
vibrant education program, and has held several exhibitions hosted
in other galleries. With government cuts looming and the economy
still in a pinch, fund-raising is a huge challenge. But the HoI has many
top names in its corner. Alongside Quentin Blake, illustrators like Sara
Fanelli, Gerald Scarfe, Sir Peter Blake and many more have endorsed it.
Meanwhile Joanna Lumley is the president of the House of Illustration
Founder’s Club, aiming to raise the £6.5 million needed to turn the
proposed site at Kings Cross into a home for illustration. To find out
more, or to lend your support, visit