Scrapbook Notebook Series Scrapbook #1 | Page 50

pictorial way. u SB What would be your dream job/commission? Christopher: Something to do with drawing cities and exploring them. I was commissioned by Qantas a while back to make pictures of places they flew to. That was a dream commission. u SB Who is your art hero? Christopher: Picasso is the best. I’ve been looking at his last pictures and they’re beautiful, full of wit & energy & tenderness. His work is so moving. u SB If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? Christopher: I’d like to travel the length of the Nile from Ruanda to Egypt, and draw the journey. u SB Have you any hidden talents? Christopher: Long distance walking. I once walked from Edinburgh to Iona (including two ferries). Christopher Corr’s Favourites Café The cafe at Kenwood House Art Equipment/Tool Gouache paints, the new range of Winsor & Newton’s are great Gallery Museum of Folk Art in NYC, next to MOMA Shop Judd Street Bookshop WC1 Website Drink Indian tea 160