playing time. Finally if your training your
puppy in a house make sure to bring it
outside every two hours to Pee. In
conclusion making sure your dog doesn’t
P is hard to do and takes a long time.
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Training commands get very tricky and
hard it takes a long time to teach. A
doctors it takes a lot of effort first you have of hours to stay A few minutes with the
to do to get a piece of chicken and slowly tutorial video. In completing training
get him to say. Do you get your dog to lay commander hard but all in all it takes an
down you do the same exact thing except hour for your dog to Finally including
put it all the way down. To get your dog to training command are hard but all in all it
roll over needed to make it laid down with takes an hour for your dog to finally obey.
a piece of chicken and put it to the side to
roll over to get it. In finaly dog training Now do you believe that Dogs are a big
command is difficult to have your puppy responsibility? You need to now be
learn. prepared for a dog, and if Goethe's get a
dog as possible. That's not even everything
It takes a long time to have your puppy to that are there about dogs. There still more
obey your commands and do them. First things.Dogs are a huge responsibility,
dogs have to learn to follow directions whether big or small. In conclusion Dogs
which takes months how many tries does it take a lot of work so maybe think about
what you have to do to get one.
take for a dog to be able to stay it usually
take a few hours. It usually takes a couple
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