Perfect Pandas
Pandas Love Bamboo.
“Giant Panda Eating
Bamboo” 2007 CC.
……..CHINA!!!!!!!!!! Their is only 1,800
pandas that live in the wild and they all grew
up in china. Most all pandas live in the wild
because they have the right habitat and food
Pandas need to eat bamboo because they need
to live. Pandas live in bamboo forests because
their is a lot of food for them. Pandas don’t
just eat bamboo they also eat carrots and
Pandas live in the wild because it is easy to
survive.A giant panda needs at least 4 square
miles to survive. Pandas only know how to pee
well doing a handstand. One of the pandas
instinks is climbing.
A panda is all grown up now and he
likes where he is so look with your eyes not
your hands.
Credits to:
World Book Inc.