Scovone Star Magazine 2015-2016 | Page 45

BILLIONAIRE GIVER: BILL GATES command line. Later, Bill Gates started Microsoft. MICROSOFT This is Microsoft and its sign. Microsoft invented lots of things that were for entertainment. One of them is the Pinch-the-Sky Dome. It is a 3D model of our solar system. Another one is the Omni Touch, which turns any surface into a touchscreen interface. Microsoft also invented the first smart watches that took advantage of mobile data. They were called SPOT. SPOT stands for Smart Personal Object Technology. Microsoft also invented things that led to future inventions. One of them was the multi-touch surface table, tablet PC, and Project Origami ultra-mobile PCs, which led to iPads. Another one was   MSN TVs, which was the first to access the internet without using a computer, which made Google TVs possible. Microsoft invented things to make life easier too. Like the musclecontrolled computer, “the wheel”, the gaze control, and a “next generation” touchscreen. The muscle-controlled computer is a computer with EMG sensors connected to the arms that let you control the computer. “The This is somebody using the Omni Touch to turn a notepad into a touchscreen. wheel” is the wheel of a mouse that helps you scroll up and down pages. The gaze control can control mouse pointers to around a quarter of an inch accuracy using your eyes-to gaze. The “next generation” touchscreen can respond to touch in less than a millisecond. B I L L A N D M E L I N D A G AT E S FOUNDATION After Microsoft, Bill gates invented the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. When Bill and Melinda Gates got so wealthy, they started thinking about using their money for good causes. They started the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Keep reading to find out more about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates wanted to help people, so he started the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Gates Foundation started in 1997. Warren Buffett wanted Bill Gates to donate his – 45 –