the free throw line. If someone gets five fouls
they will be disqualified from the game.
Sometimes if you made a serious injury the
person will get three free throws because you
made something very bad.
Ten players divided by two aim to throw
a basketball into a hoop.The players have to be
in different positions. Only five players that are
in the same team may go into the court. There
are ten players, so in each quarter the players
Now, you are about to read about
basketball’s positions. In the positions, you will
learn about guards, forwards, centers, shooting
guards, and the point guard. A UM player,
named Zakarie Irvin said,”I started playing
basketball because both of my parents played
and they put a ball into my hands at young
Your guard’s job is to block your opponent
from shooting the ball into your basket. Your
shortest player in your group, is the guard.
Guards steal and pass the ball. The guards
should be fast, including dribbling and passing.
Forwards can go in two different
positions. Forwards are also your second tallest
players. Forwards pass and try to make a goal.
Centers can also go in two different
places. They can go near the basket, or they
can be put in the center of your team. The
centers are the tallest players because they have
to run fast and they have to receive the ball.
The shooting guard’s job is simply just stealing
the ball and making a goal. Such as in football
you get the ball and make a touchdown. You're
shooting should be fast. Shooting guards have
to have skills to steal the ball. The point guard
is the leader of the team. Point guards are like
the boss of a factory, they tell you what to do.
Such as attach the tires to the car. The point
guard also tells you what the plans are going to
Now that you know some things about
basketball, you might to go and play it, or learn
more about this game. You might even write
about it. You learned about positions, rules and
the materials. There are still lots more to learn
about basketball. Thanks for reading!
Children playing basketball.
Michel Jordan about to shoot.
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