Scott Davis's The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy PDF / Review Free Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy | Page 23

I had tried so many times to pick myself up in the gym and gain progress. It was always like I was swimming against the stream. But with Oliver’s system, it was more like I was swept away. I never felt as though I had to give up anything I didn’t like. Of course, I had to make adjustments, but I could still enjoy my Sunday steak and morning scrambled eggs with toast and butter. And then came the shocker. My heart doctor was a leading cardiovascular expert and working at one of the “world-class” medical institutes in the country. When I went for a checkup after completing Oliver’s strategy, he found almost no traces of plaque in my arteries. My “bad cholesterol” level had dropped from over 200 to below 100, and my “good cholesterol” had spiked. All without medication. Of course, he was curious and asked me how I did it. Once I told him, he hung his head. “I know,” he said. The fact was that one of the big pharmaceutical companies owned the majority in this world-class medical institute.