Scoring-Training feb 2014 | Page 9

Gini & ROC Curve The most widely used way to evaluate quality of a scorecard is Gini coefficient and ROC curve ROC curve that located higher and more to the left is indicates better scorecard quality. The evaluation of the quality of classification by the Gini coefficient can be checked with the help of the following tables: Application Scoring Behavioral Scoring Gini value Classification quality Gini value Classification quality from 0.25 Low from 0.45 Low 0.25 - 0.45 Average 0.45 - 0.65 Average 0.45 - 0.6 Good 0.65 - 0.8 Good more than 0.6 Very good more than 0.8 Very good Collection Scoring Fraud Scoring Gini value Classification quality from 0.35 Low 0.35 - 0.55 Average 0.55 - 0.7 Good more than 0.7 Very good The Gini approach is not relevant for fraud scoring because the number of fraudsters in a typical dataset is too small, and scorecard quality should be analyzed with other methods. ROC Curve values usually calculated not only for the dataset that was used to create scorecard (training set), but also for a separate out-ofsample validation dataset. ROC Curve values for training and validation datasets should be close to each other. When several scorecards are compared, preference is given to the one with the highest Gini value. Unacceptable ROC curve performance. Scorecard need to be improved. Reality. Acceptable ROC curve performance. Perfect ROC curve performance.