Scoring-Training feb 2014 | Page 15

Cumulative event rates Shows the dependence between changes in rates of “Good” and “Bad” and changes in the score Acceptable Cumulative Event Rates graph An increase in the share of the “Good” outcomes, accompanied by a decrease in the number of “Bad” accounts, confirms that the Scorecard’s performance is logical. A monotonous decrease in the share of the “Bad” borrowers in the upper score range speaks about the correctness of the Scorecard’s performance and its ability to differentiate “Bad” borrowers into the lower part of the working range. “Bads” situated in the part of the population with low scores “Goods” appears in the part of the population with high scores Unacceptable Cumulative Event Rates graph Intersection of the curves should be closer to the left of the graph Curve should be smooth but it has drop downs on the chart area with the highest risk