S'Cool Magazine Issue 3 | 19 March 2014 S'Cool Magazine Issue 3 | 19 March, 2014 | Page 31

by: Sophia 5lh Kaya 5yj and Lauren 5yj This year, girls football is extremely awesome! A few matches are coming up and the team is very excited! We hope to win! But we do know that the next matches are in march and they are at Jess and the American academy which is right across the road! Team Sophia, Rohanna, Abigail, Lauren, Kaya, Eunice، farah, aiza and aroojan. Club If you want to be a part of girls fo otball, but you haven't been chosen for the team, just join the club o n Sunday a f t er s c h o o l a n d if you are good enoug h, you could make it t o t h e t ea m !