S'Cool Magazine Issue 3 | 19 March 2014 S'Cool Magazine Issue 3 | 19 March, 2014 | Page 12

we have started this page for the benefit of all of the students, parents and teachers of r.d.s who want to heaR About year 6. i will keep all you parents updated on what your children won't tell you! Everybody in year 6 is quite nervous this month, as this is the time we get the results for our secondary school entrance exams! gossip!? Everybody has been talking about sports day and international day. Who had the best performance on international day? what was the best race on sports day? Our proper learning has had co-ordinates in math *Easy* journalistic writing in (of course) literacy! journalistic writing is newspapers,, magazines (such as this one), and reviews. IN music we've been singing to the beat of the Aladdin songs. Our most recent trip was to watch macbeth, a shakespeare play It was . hilarious. The best part for most of us was this very funny 'door opener' who made some extremely funny Miley cyrus jokes!!