Southcentral Katahdin Hair Sheep Association 2
Here we are half of 2013 gone , SCKA meeting history , the Stud Ram Sale come and gone , first of August coming up . If you turn Rams out August 9th you should get New Years babies , older lambs always sale better . Yes I know it is hot but if you don ’ t turn Rams out you won ’ t get those early lambs . If you get early lambs it will be because your Ewes are cycling . I have never seen a Ram that wouldn ’ t breed . To play it safe you could test your Rams , but the test is only good for that day . Rams can get hurt , run a fever or get to hot , any one of these things could cause them to go sterile . Some of you may want to breed later because you have forage in the spring when you lamb , if that is your program that is fine . Katahdin is a bred of sheep you can manage in many different ways , but remember the early bird gets the worm .
Your directors & officers have been busy . Tine Broussard ( secretary ) has got our last meeting minutes finished . We have decided to publish the News Letter 4 times a year . And I have talked with Anderle Foster about the Facebook question : we have okayed a link to SCKA . Thanks to all BOD ’ s for their input on these things . Melissa Baxley ( treasure ) & I are working on transferring SCKA ’ s money to her bank . Looks do able .
See you August 22-24 in Cookeville , Tenn . the sale is August 24 .
SCKA is on the hunt for someone to take the reins for doing Marketing and Promotions . Please reach out to an Officer or Director for more Information .
Below is recipe for Anderle ’ s ranch crackers we all enjoyed at the Gathering in Laurel . Several have requested so she was kind enough to share .
Mix dry ranch dressing with 1 / 2 cup oil . Add some crushed red pepper to taste . Dip Saltine crackers in mix and put on cookie sheet lined with foil . Bake at 250 ... For about 10 min . This is just to crispy them up . Enjoy .
SCKA Motto : We only do positive things for Katahdins