Scintillations 2019 Scintillations_2019 | Page 60

He’d fallen onto the hard ground, hitting his head and hip; the impact was so bad that he could hear his skull breaking. He’d become overwhelmed with pain and it had completely robbed his senses. Everywhere he’d looked, it was blood; cold, hard, agonising pain that made him think that he was already dead. He could feel himself losing a lot of blood and all he’d wanted was to live; to escape this excruciating painful dream.We immediately rushed to the hospital. From then on, everything else was a huge blur. The doctors told us that he had had severe multiple fractures, including both of his legs and a broken hip and skull. The medical bills surmounted but all that mattered to us was our uncle. When we’d asked the doctors as to who had actually brought him to the hospital, the doctors stated that it was a young woman, to which my grandmother nodded in answer, as a woman had called our grandmother from our uncle’s phone to inform her that he had been in a terrible accident. It took two months for him to open his eyes and speak properly. My uncle, too, had no idea how he was saved. For him, everything was blank as the pain was too much for him to actually concentrate. He had lost a lot of blood and weight. It took almost a year to fully recover both physically and mentally.The other two drunken men had too suffered major fracture and severe injuries including fracture in the arms and severe damage to the skull. Though this incident happened eleven years ago, it still stays etched in our memory like a searing wound. Each time I drive a vehicle, I remind myself to be slow and patient, whatever be the need.  He has completely recovered, and is healthy now, though he has difficulty walking sometimes. We tried to find his saviour to thank her and looked for her, but all in vain. So, if, by any chance she ever reads this, I just want to tell her that she is a hero. Although what she had done is what anyone would do, she had done it in the right moment. If only she had ignored this accident and just drove away, I can only imagine as to what would’ve actually happened. Nevertheless, my wonderful uncle is alive only because of her and her generous act of kindness and in our life; she really is an angel. R. SHRI VARSHINI 51