Scintillations 2019 Scintillations_2019 | Page 55

That’s when the angel in my life, my mom, shared a piece of advice. This is what she said. Just visualize that you have already cleared both your papers, and don’t give room for any negativity to crawl in. Life is not just results,there is much more to it. Faith is something so strong, that it can do wonders. Your positive thoughts can be so powerful that they can even make worse of your situations better. I’m sure each and every one of us is blessed with such amazing people, and they truly make our day. That’s when I decided that I should just accept the situation and move on rather than brood over it. I stopped thinking about the results and just kept saying, IF IT IS MEANT TO BE, IT WILL BE. And it worked! The results were out, and I had cleared both my papers. It seemed like a miracle to me. This woman had patiently lent her ears to my problems and had also helped me deal with it. It is such a beautiful feeling when you have got someone by your side as a pillar of support, to stand by you no matter what, not to criticize or judge you based on your decisions or turn their backs when you face  difficulties. It’s fortunate when you have such friends or family full of optimism and love. K. KRITIKA 46