Scintillations 2019 Scintillations_2019 | Page 43

A soldier to the end, he would never leave anyone behind, even if it meant sacrificing his own life. Rick knew he was facing difficult odds when he had re-entered the Tower.  He had last been seen near the 10th floor, on his way up to help the last of his colleagues leave the building. Shortly before the South Tower collapsed, Rick had called his wife Susan. He’d told her: ‘Stop crying. I have to get these people out safely. If something should happen to me, I want you to know I’ve never been happier. You made my life.’Something did happen to him.  When the South Tower collapsed, Rick was still in the building.  His body was never found. All but thirteen Morgan Stanley employees had safely exited the building owed their lives to our dear Rick Rescorla. B. VISHAL 34