E vacuate
the building, this is a fire
Faster! -
Rick. ‘Not again!’ sighed the Morgan
Stanley employees.
Rick Rescorla, born in Cornwall,
became an American soldier, fought
during the Vietnam War, and then
finally, became the head of security for
Morgan Stanley. He always believed
that his building was under some sort of
evacuation drills frequently.
The employees of the company cursed
him whenever they saw him. The
company received many complaints on
him and Rick was put into enquiry.
The directors of Morgan Stanley
questioned Rick as to why he did that
every month, and accused him of
unnecessarily wasting the energy of
their employees, saying that none of the
other companies conducted drills.
‘Discipline during emergency is must’
would be Rick’s standard reply for
every single accusation.
‘We are sorry Rick, but we have
decided to terminate you from the
position. You may leave your office by
tomorrow.’ said the directors one day.
He pleaded a lot, but they were firm
with their decision. It was a 110 floored
building and their office was at the 48th
‘25 minutes... 25 minutes... 25
minutes…’ repeated Rick as he walked
down the staircase of the building.
‘They take 25 minutes to evacuate.
They should hurry up!’ he added.
He was fired on the first day of the
week. The streets were noisy and
crowded. Rick sat next to a television
repair shop, staring as the man fixed
one. It made a strange noise, as the
repair guy connected it to the cable.
‘Channel 10! Welcome to today’s
edition of Branded Thoughts! We
have Harry Redmond here to talk
about President Bush’s decision about
the troops reinforcement at the
Kurdish region’ announced the anchor
whose channel was tuned in on the
fixed television.