Scintillations 2019 Scintillations_2019 | Page 30

Jobs with higher occupational prestige or status pay more. These types of jobs are often viewed as those that require higher skills and qualifications. The average salary of the Member Of Legislative Assembly in India is estimated to be around  Rs.50, 000 per month, which is far less than that of a reputed professional; this does not mean that the job of an MLA is easier than that of a professional. Many leaders like Nelson Mandela and Periyar Ramaswami Naicker fought for our rights all their lives; they envisioned a world where we could speak for ourselves.  Now, it is our responsibility to provide a world for our successors where there is no need for them to stand up for their fundamental rights. We cannot stop discrimination completely, but we can curb it by not using stereotypes; by not judging people by how they look; just because someone is different, it doesn’t mean they should be treated any differently. We may not agree with someone else’s decision, doesn’t mean their decision is wrong. right to live the way they want in the country. Every human being has a right to their happiness. If we can, we must provide it, if not, we should let them be. What we want is not what we usually get, we must obstinate, we must know to fight and achieve what we deserve instead of accepting what we are given. In the wise words of  Nelson Mandela, no one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they should be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. A world of equality, justice, and respect is expected from this new Era of Responsibility, where we, as the citizens, and future leaders of our nation, have to complete the construction of this empire. We are the masons in this construction site, the architect has long gone bequeathing the responsibility to us. So let’s begin. After all, laundry is the only thing that should be separated by colour, not people! There are many different lifestyles and values, someone’s values may conflict with our own; all the people have a KEERTHANA 21