Scientific View on Religious Events NaimanbayevM.A.

Scientific View on Religious Events (about Prophet Mohammad birthday) In 2015 Muslims in many countries celebrated Prophet Mohammed birthday on January 3 based on modern calendar. Every year this date is shifted in accordance with lunar calendar. Lunar calendar is used in Islam to determine religious holidays’ dates and it is also used as an official calendar in some Muslim countries. Chronology begins from Hijra (July 16, 622 A.D.) – from the day when Prophet Mohammad and the early Muslims left Mecca for Medina. Therefore, this calendar is called Hijra calendar in Muslim countries. In order to understand the objectivity of the chronological system application in present day, let us insight into the chronology history. Brief history of time keeping The first and most natural time unit for the ancient people was day divided into day and night. Subsequently, observing moon phases, lunar month was begun to determine, it was believed alternately in 29 and 30 days. Then it was noticed that natural phenomena are repeated after about 12 lunar months. Year was discovered. However, a year of 12 lunar months in 354 days did not correspond to the astronomical (solar) year, and lunar calendar of 12 lunar months became rolling. In order to correlate it to astronomical year, to extend of error accumulation (about once in 3 years) additional month was inserted (the Romans, for example, called it "mercedonius" and it was inserted between 23-24 February). Such kind of lunar- solar calendar was used by the ancient peoples. The solar calendar was invented in Egypt. It consisted of 12 months of 30 days and 5 additional days. But once real astronomical year exceeds 365 days, the Egyptian calendar was also inaccurate. Later Hellenistic kings of Egypt, based on calculations of the Alexandrian astronomers, tried to introduce leap years; but the reform was not taken in the place. In 46 BC Julius Caesar reformed the calendar, based on Alexandrian astronomer Sosigenous developments, taking Egyptian solar calendar for the basis. To correct the accumulated error, he with his power inserted two additional months between November and December in transition year, except mercedonius; and since January 1, 45 B.C. Julian year of 365 days and leap years every 4 years was established. This extra day was inserted between 23 and 24 February, as mercedonius previously. However, to extend of error accumulation (1 day in 128 years), difference between the astronomical spring equinox and the calendar one became more explicit, and many believed that it could not be ignored any longer. The last reform was performed by pope Greorory XIII in 1582, based on project of mathematician and physician Luigi Lilio. Pope decree dated February