Plasmodium vivax
- Malaria
Plasmodium falciparum
Trypanosoma gambiense – African sleeping sickness
Protozoan is unicellular organisms. Metabolic activities are done by organelles. Protozoan
show mainly two modes of life, free living and parasitic. Free living organisms inhabit fresh
and salt water. Parasitic form live as ectoparasites or endoparasites. They cause diseases
Uses of Microorganisms:
Microorganisms in Medicine, Agriculture, Industry and Daily living
Microorganisms are used in the manufacture of antibiotics, linen, bread, wine, beer and the
other industries.
Microorganisms are used to enrich the soil fertility.
Name of the spices
Streptomyces Streptomycin
Griseus Bacitracin
Bacillus subtilis
Penicillium notatum
Penicillium notatum
Penicillium chrysogenum
What is antibiotic?
Antimicrobial agents which are useful medicine or drugs are extracted from microorganisms
are called antibiotics. Bacteria, Fungi are used to make antibiotics, Vaccines, etc.
Role of Microorganism in Industry and daily living:
1. Curing of Tea/Coffee:
The leaves of tea, tobacco, the beans of coffee and cocoa are fermented by the activity of
Bacillus megaterium to impart the characteristics flavor. This is called Curing.
In the world today many industries totally depend upon the microbial activities of
microorganisms such as Lactic acid bacteria.