07. Structure of Brain and its functions
In this topic we will discuss about the three
important parts of brain. They are Cerebrum,
Cerebellum and Medulla Oblongata.
1. Cerebrum:
It is the largest part of the brain.
It is the centre of a person memory.
A person is able to learn and
understand languages and interpret
signs and symbols with the help of
the cerebrum.
The right side cerebrum controls the
left side of our body and vice versa.
Cerebrum is responsible for
intelligence, imagination and
Figure 7.1 (Human Brain)
2. Cerebellum (Little Brain):
It lies behind the cerebrum.
It co-ordinates the movement of the muscles of our body.
It helps to maintain the balance of our body.
3. Medulla Oblongata:
It is also called the brain stem,
It is called as ‘Vital Knot’ because it control breathing, heart beat and other
involuntary muscles.
It connects the brain to the spinal cord.