Science Spin 58 May 2013 | Page 14

Summer workshop for teachers

Irish students to represent Ireland at the European CanSat competition

Coláiste an Phiarsaigh , Glanmire , was announced as the winning team at the final of the National CanSat competition at the Lifetime Science Lab in Cork on the 16th March . The students took on the challenge to create a CanSat – a simulation of a real satellite which fits into the volume of a soft drinks can . The CanSat includes all the major elements found in a satellite , such as power , sensors and a communication system . Students from seven schools have worked for a number of months designing , building and testing their CanSats in the lead up to the final at the Lifetime Lab in Cork .
The winning team CaPSat made up of nine students from Coláiste an Phiarsaigh , will now go onto compete at the European CanSat final in The Netherlands in April , where their CanSat will be launched to an altitude of approximately 1km by a rocket . The travelling team will be sponsored on their journey by Cork Electronics Industry Association ( CEIA ), ESERO Ireland ( European Space Education Resource Office ),

Summer workshop for teachers

Secondary school teachers have been invited to participate in a summer workshop organised by the European Space Agency , ESA . The workshop will be held at ESA ’ s centre in Noordwijk in The Netherlands from 20th to 23rd August 2013 .
During the workshops teachers will be presented with engaging co-funded by the European Space Agency and Discover Science & Engineering , Science Foundation Ireland ’ s ( SFI ) education and outreach programme .
Ann Fitzpatrick , ESERO Ireland Manager , said “ The purpose of the CanSat competition is to open up the possibilities of space and exploration to secondary school students . In December 2012 we saw Enbio sign a € 500,000 contract with the European Space Agency to better protect satellites in space . This is just one example of an Irish company that is thriving in the space sector , and it highlights the space related opportunities that are available for students and graduates . ESERO Ireland ’ s ambition , with the assistance of the European Space Agency , is to foster the skills that are required for this industry at an early age and the CanSat competition provides a practical experience of a real space project for second level students . Working in partnership with CEIA we plan to expand the National CanSat competitions across Ireland with support from industry and third level institutions the final in Cork is a great step towards realising this goal .”
and novel ways to show the relevance of science , technology , engineering and maths to space .
The workshop is open to teachers of STEM subjects but places are limited . Teachers interested in participating should submit a completed online application form by 21st May . There is no charge , but participants must arrange their own travel to The Netherlands .
http :// www . esa . int / Education / Teachers _ Corner / ESA _ Summer _ Workshop _ for _ Teachers _ 2013
www . discover-science . ie