Personal life
He married late, at the age of 55, to a woman 25 years younger. They had no children. He left just over £22,000 pounds in his estate when he died in 1893. This was an enormous amount considering that a London police constable was paid about £80 per year at the time. If we do the comparative mathematics that means his estate was worth in the region of £6 million in today’s money. He was someone who suffered considerable ill health. He slept badly, suffered from migranes and took ‘sleeping draughts’ to help him to sleep. These draughts were tonics ][?H?[???Y??H?Y?[[H?]??Y\?H?]Y???\?HYZ[?\?\?Y?[?[?H\??Y?K[?^H??Y??H\?[??[??\?HYY???H[?X??Y[?[?\???H???[Y?]H?[?\??Y?H????YH??\?Z^Y\?H??X[??\?\??]Y?[????[YH?\?]X?Y?\?]H?X??\]Y[?[?]Y\??\?YH???H??Y[??KH?\??X]\??[?[?[?[??&HY?H?\?[?[?Z[??[X?[??[?XX??[[Y\???HN