Science Final Project | Page 9

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Between all the religions, we can find very different opinions in the topic of the blood transfusions. Some of these opinions are positive, while others are rejective. The principal and most known religion that is in opposition of blood transfusions are Jehovah’s Witnesses, since they are even against the use of packed RBCs. We can find some passages in the bible that support their beliefs, like:

“Only flesh with its soul-its blood- you must not eat” Genesis 9:3-4

“Abstain from… fornication and from what is strangled and from blood” Acts 15:19-21.

They believe that by accepting a blood transfusion they are disobeying God’s word and that they are making a sin. Cases prove that when the Jehovah’s Witnesses are in a bad healthy situation and they need blood they refuse to take it. All of these actions and decisions taken by the multiple Jehovah’s Witnesses are based on beliefs they got from their sacred books.

Looking at this process from other point of view we can find the most popular religions, like Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, Islam and even Atheism. All of this religions, and others we didn’t mention, are in favor of blood transfusion. This is because they are in favor of medical treatments that don’t harm, this includes blood transfusion. According to these religions blood transfusions are accepted, it depends on the person in treatment to accept them or not. We can find some cases of people where they denied this medical treatment, but this depends of their personal ideas and thoughts. In conclusion, blood transfusion is a much debated topic, in which opinions are divided and nothing is assured.


Unknown. "Jehovah's Witness ethics. "BBC Religions. 2009-09-29. BBC. 2014/03/27

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