Science Final Project | Page 7

Pedro Chaidez Rosales

General medic, Specialty in Orthopedics and Traumatology

We chose him because he knew about the topic, even this is not his area of specialty.

How often does a patient with arrhythmia suffer from it?

You can not tell that, arrhythmia is spontaneous, it attacks with no previous advise.

At what point is arrhythmia considered fatal?

Arrythmia can be fatal since it may affect your organs and body, for example, you may get a sudden cardiac death.

What are some warnings to know if you're going to have a heart attack?

There are many warnings, but the most common or noticeable are chest pain, lack of breath, dizziness and nausea.

What kind of treatment you receive after a heart attack?

Treatments vary a lot. They can be as simple as taking medicine or rehabilitation, but mostly they are complicated interventions like a pacemaker or special treatments to open up arteries.

What are some risks that may led atherosclerosis?

The principal risks that may led to atherosclerosis are unhealthy cholesterol levels, high blood pressure or previous diseases. Also, the general ones, like age, stress, smoking, etc.

What are 5 foods that help you prevent atherosclerosis?

Principally the ones that lack cholesterol, like seeds, almonds, fish, soy, fruits and vegetables. As a drink, red wine is very good.

How is cholesterol a factor in atherosclerosis?

The levels of cholesterol you have in your body are the ones that cause the clogging in your arteries.

Can genetics be a factor for atherosclerosis?

Well, sometimes genetics may be a factor of having this kind of diseases, but it all depends in how the person lives and takes care of his body.

Doctor Interview