Science Education News (SEN) Journal 2017 Volume 66 Number 4 December 2017 | Page 5


2017 PTC NSW Professional Service Awards

Each year the Professional Teachers ’ Council , NSW , ( PTC , NSW ) acknowledges the Professional Service that committee members undertake on a voluntary basis for their associations at the PTC , NSW , Presentation Evening .
The 2017 event was held on Tuesday , 14th November .
Science Teachers ' Association of NSW Ann Hanna
In recognition of her significant and continuous contribution to the support of science teachers in NSW as STANSW Young Scientist Awards director in 2017 and senior assessor prior to this . Ann has run regional and metropolitan workshops in NSW promoting the STANSW Young Scientist Awards and mentoring teachers in the introduction of scientific investigations to their classes , resulting in a significant increase in entries from schools and a notable increase in regional entries .
She created a teacher start-up kit for teachers new to Science Fairs and conducting scientific investigations with their classes . Ann is currently involved in a partnership to set up a new ‘ Rural Young Scientist ’ initiative targeting students and teachers in country NSW .
She is also setting new goals and targets with the STANSW YS committee to continue to grow the Awards Scheme and promote excellence in STEM education .
2016 – 2017 , at a time crucial to PTC NSW efforts to manage its processes and procedure in line with the Corporations Act ( 2001 ). As the head of the Finance Committee , Margaret has ensured that newly-introduced changes to finances and budgeting have been consolidated and extended to include the appointment of a new auditor . Margaret ’ s leadership in this area has been instrumental in establishing the means by which PTC NSW should attain financial sustainability in the near future .
Margaret has been a member of Science Teachers ' Association NSW since 1995 . During this time she has held a number of significant roles , including Vice-President ( 2010 – 2011 ), Secretary ( 2002 – 2003 & 2006 – 2009 ), Treasurer ( 2015 – 2016 ) and President ( 2017 – current ). Margaret has also been a representative for STANSW on various panels including the National Consistency in Curriculum Outcomes NSW Consultation committee in 2005 , the ESSA ( Essential Secondary Science Assessment ) reporting consultation committee 2006 ) and a number of BOSTES ( now NESA ) & ACARA consultation panels .
Margaret has contributed to a large number of STANSW conferences as both a workshop convenor , well-respected presenter and as a worker assisting organising committees . She has assisted in the development and on-going presentation of STANSW Professional Learning events for science teachers across NSW as well convening several Country Connections events involving both regional teachers and students of science . As a science writer for STANSW , Margaret has also provided some excellent articles on classroom activities that were published in Science Matters , the newsletter of STANSW , as well as in Science Education News , the official journal of STANSW . She has also undertaken many editorial roles for both STANSW and the Australian Science Teachers ' Association .
Throughout her teaching career , Margaret mentored many teachers and encouraged colleagues to nominate for STANSW Council .
PTC Awards Dinner , Ann Hanna presented with OPSA
Margaret Shepherd
Margaret has served as a director of the Professional Teachers ’ Council NSW Board since August 2015 . She became a member of the Executive Committee , assuming the role of Treasurer during
PTC Awards Dinner , Margaret Shepherd presented ESA