Science Education News (SEN) Journal 2017 Volume 66 Number 4 December 2017 | Page 45

GENERAL ARTICLES Swimming in Sand – Frogs and Sand-Mining at Smiths Lake (continued) that fresh sand deposits were no longer being exposed and the release of salt and lime decreased markedly, however these substances have been deposited in the low-lying areas near the dune and are yet to be cleared from the surface water there. Our current understanding of the influence of pH on amphibian physiology is largely limited to laboratory studies conducted under artificial conditions. Most frog species are tolerant of relatively narrow pH ranges (Barth and Wilson 2010). Laboratory studies suggest a correlation between pH tolerance and inter- specific variation in distribution, with species inhabiting acidic environments exhibiting greater tolerance to low pH ( Freda and Dunson, 1986; Pierce and Wooten, 1992; Picker et al., 1993). Sustained low pH was found to impede tadpole growth and increase developmental time; how this affects later stages in the life cycle of frogs is unknown (Freda and Dunson, 1985; Griffiths et al., 1993). The effect of increasing pH is likely to be equally disruptive on frog life cycles. Most micro-geographic changes in the distribution and abundance of species are the result of subtle influences of the abiotic and biotic environment, rather than direct mortality effects (Freda and Dunson 1985). The exposure of large tracts of elevated dune sand during mining appears to have led to the deposition of large amount of dune sands in the nearby low-lying areas, including the dune pond and swamp. Both sites are considerably shallower than before mining, and water depth will be a factor in the types of aquatic vegetation that ultimately re-establishes in these sites. Unfortunately, the only measurement of sedimentation was water depth, so little information is available about other changes to the geochemistry of the water. There have been substantial changes in the dissolved oxygen content of the water and the oxidation- reduction potential indicative of other geochemical changes in water quality. Meyer et al. (2009) found that altered pH can seriously impact the development of tadpoles of Litoria fallax, a widespread species that was present in both the dune and swamp site at Bridge Hill. L. fallax was abundant in the dune site and remained abundant throughout the course of the study despite the changes in pH. In the swamp site, L. fallax was initially a rarely encountered species but became more commonly encountered over time as the pH's became less acidic in the swamp. Barth and Wilson (2010) found that Australian frogs that occur in wallum habitats (such as the swamp site at Bridge Hill) are not only sensitive to pH changes but also respond in unpredicted ways to the presence or absence of the organic acids in the water. Changes in pH in wallum water alter the solubility and activity of organic acids, and these changes affect the survivorship of frogs in the area. As the salinity and pH of surface water in the dune pond and swamp are still well above levels recorded pre-mining, and 34 years have now elapsed, it must be concluded that the elevated salinity and pH levels must be determining factors in the re- colonisation of these sites by frogs. The longer the salt and pH levels remain high the longer it will take for the frog communities to re-establish themselves. Most of the water quality variables measured show the greatest changes during and immediately following the mining phase. Current water conditions fluctuate less dramatically and have returned to levels more similar to pre-mining levels. However, the combined effects of the initial changes wrought by mining, and secondary changes caused by the subsequent modifications to the environment, have impeded the ability of frogs to re- colonise these sites. Little is documented about the ability of frogs to respond to transient and permanent habitat changes to the condition of their habitats. The only studies in Australia that have considered their ability to re-colonise areas after major disturbances have concentrated on recovery after wild fires rather than after mining (Andrew 2011, Bamford 1992, Bamford and Roberts 2003, Driscoll and Roberts 1997, Gillespie and West 2012, Lemckert et al. 2004, Penman et al. 2006). All of these studies indicated that if the frogs survived the immediate burning phase there was a high rate of re-colonisation of habitats, provided their habitats had not been significantly altered by excessive ash accumulation or repeated burning that led to vegetation changes. It appears that sand mining-activated releases of salt and calcium carbonate through the surface water may be enough to explain the subsequent changes in frog communities. The changes in salinity and pH would have an immediate impact on tadpoles (which are unable to move out of the hydrological impact area), and to a lesser extent on frogs (since they can move out of the impacted area). The changes in salinity and pH will then promulgate changes in the vegetation in the affected area, compounding the effect of altered water geochemistry. Recovery of Frog Habitats The changes to frog habitats in areas close to the mine path appear to have occurred in two phases: there was an immediate impact associated with the release of salt and lime from the dune, and then there appears to have been a second change later that appears to be associated with increased sedimentation of the areas below the dune (Tables 3 and 4). Sand-mining finished at Bridge Hill in 1983 and re-vegetation works were carried out for another two years afterwards. The cessation of mining meant Fox and Fox (1984) suggested that 20 years would sufficient time for small mammal re-colonisation of sand-mined areas, Twigg and Fox (1991) suggested a similar lag time for re- colonisation by reptiles. At Bridge Hill, some re-colonisation by frogs has occurred, but the frog communities have not returned to pre-mining species composition or abundances. Clearly the 45 SCIENCE EDUCATIONAL NEWS VOL 66 NO 4