Science Education News (SEN) Journal 2017 Volume 66 Number 4 December 2017 | Page 26

Waterlogged and Weary , but Wowed ! ( continued )

Waterlogged and Weary , but Wowed ! ( continued )

Talitridae ) were another notable find on intertidal sand beaches throughout the Lau Islands in Fiji . These small crustaceans lack a larval stage for ready long-distance dispersal on ocean currents , so how they become widely distributed is poorly understood . The identity of those found during the expedition will be significant in piecing together links across the broader Pacific . Additionally , many types of shrimp were collected , particularly snapping shrimp , and it is likely there will also be some important finds among these when they are fully classified . these remote areas help fill in some knowledge gaps , remarking “ Many are the first records for the region , and we were excited to see some we couldn ’ t recognise in the field , which may be new species . More work needs to be done to confirm this , so we will call on assistance from our network of experts around the world to help . Either way , the specimens comprise a valuable collection for study by the national and international ichthyological community , only made possible with collaborative expeditions like this one .”
Scenery from Ogea Levu , Lau Islands , Fiji . Photographer Stephen Keable ; copyrights A . M
A great variety of marine worms were numerous in many locations but these soft-bodied animals were mostly well hidden from potential predators inside the sediment or under rocks . To collect them , divers often had to not only turn rocks but compete with fishes trying to eat the exposed worms ! Of the worms obtained , those of particular interest for AMRI specialists include species inhabiting calcareous tubes such as the brightly coloured Christmas tree worms ( family Serpulidae ), beautiful fan worms inhabiting soft silty tubes ( Family Sabellidae ) and spaghetti worms ( Family Terebellidae ) that spread their long feeding tentacles widely .
Snapping shrimp , collected from the Lau Islands , Fiji . Photographer Anne Murray , copyright A . M .
Apart from the specimens and data gained , this was a valuable opportunity for AMRI to forge and strengthen links with international partners . Already some of the connections made during the voyage are being utilised in planning new projects . Additionally , there was important information exchanged regarding sampling techniques and equipment which has immediate application to practices currently used .
The team is now looking forward to the next step – integrating the samples into the AMRI collections so that they are ready and available for research , and reflecting on the discoveries made and the conclusions that result .
Mandy is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the mollusc specimens in Australia . Although a wide array were collected not many cephalopods ( her specialty which includes octopus and squid ) were included , so it makes those that were all the more precious ! The octopuses gathered during the expedition are relatively small , and difficult to identify without all the reference materials , so we can ’ t be sure yet exactly what they are but at the very least expect they will be new distribution records from this part of the Pacific .
Mark and Sally were delighted to be able to share some of the labour intensive tasks and expertise of catching , identifying , labelling , photographing , tissue-sampling and preserving the fish specimens discovered during the expedition with their colleagues from New Zealand . Mark observed that the fishes obtained from
Octopus sp . from Walpole Island , Southwest Pacific Expedition , 2017 . Photographer Mandy Reid , copyright A . M .