Work Out
Flexibility exercises:
Forward Lunges Kneel on the left
leg, placing the right leg
forward at a right angle. Lunge
forward, keeping the back
straight. Stretch should be felt
on the left groin.
Side Lunges Stand with legs
apart, bending the left knee
while leaning toward the left.
Keep the back straight and the
right leg straight.
Cross-Over Stand with legs
crossed, keeping the feet
close together and the legs
straight. Try to touch the toes.
Standing Quad Stretch Stand
supported by holding onto a
wall or chair. Pull the foot
behind to the buttocks. Try to
keep knees close together.
Leg Adduction
1. While lying on your side, brace
your abdomen.
2. Bend your top knee, and place
your top foot in front of your
bottom knee.
3. Raise your lower leg off the
floor (photo). Do not let your
trunk bend backward.
4. Concentrate on keeping your
core engaged, and feel this on
the inside of your lower leg.
Repeat 10 times, and switch
to the other side.
1. Lie down on your stomach and
brace the core muscles.
2. Raise your body up on your
toes and elbows.
3. Lower your buttocks down until
level with your shoulders.
Squeeze your navel toward
your spine. This is the key to
this exercise and really works
the core. Make sure your
buttocks are not sticking up
4. Hold for 30 seconds, and
increase the hold to two
minutes as you improve.
Alternatively, you can hold for
10 seconds and repeat 10
times. (The plank can be
modified from toes to knees.)