Science Bulletin May/June 2014 Debate Issue | Page 31

There is also no correlation between autism and vaccines according to the CDC. The government should respect people's privacy and their decisions, but vaccinating children should not be a personal decision. There is no decision to get a social security number, or recive rotection of the military. The government as wth social security numbers and the military has every right to protect its citizens. Requiring immunization for children should be an extension on that idea.

The strongest reason that vaccines should be required, is that they protect populations and the world's future. If a child has not received vaccines, not only is he at risk of getting a disease, but he could provide a way for that disease to move through the population. Vaccines have been proven to stop viruses from spreading. According to JAMA, a leading medical journal, vaccines have caused a 100% reduction in polio and small pox cases since the early 1900s in the United States, as well as a 99% decrease in tetanus and rubella. If we do not make vaccines for these viruses required, it is likely epidemics would occur like the one in Japan. To protect the future of the human race, it is essential that the population be immune to the greatest number of viruses as possible.

Requiring immunization is an issue that concerns everybody. Vaccination protects us, and affects how we live. From immunization's invention in the 1880's, it has been used as a tool for enormous good, and without it epidemics would occur more frequently. This issue does not only affect those who refuse to vaccinate, but everybody. A parent's choice to not vaccinate puts all people in danger. They should not have a choice, because immunization is not an individual's choice, it is a societies' choice, and it's effects are felt by every person on earth. Bill Gates said in an interview that if everybody were to be vaccinated "We could cut the number of children who die of infections in half." It's time to save those lives by requiring parents to vaccinate their children.