David A . Goodman , a professional charity benefit fundraising auctioneer , is the founder and President of Auction Results . Auction Results ' sole focus is on high-impact auction fundraising for 501 ( c )( 3 ) Charitable Organizations . David has been a professional benefit auctioneer and entertainer for over 25 years and has helped raise in excess of $ 250 million for charity through auction events . While based in Chicago , Illinois , David has provided fundraising auctioneer services throughout the United States , including Alaska and Hawaii , and his clients and their guests are effusive in their praise .
Mr . Goodman stands out from other auctioneers in his use of magic to entertain his audience , a skill he started honing at a very young age . Recently , Mr . Goodman was described by NBC Nightly News as , “ Amazing – an auctioneer magician who is the Houdini of the Benefit Auction World !” Using a fascinating combination of quick-talking cadence with spectacular magic , Mr . Goodman captures and entertains , ensuring a great time for all .