By: Malak Saleh
1. Stop Polluting:
By polluting, you aren't just putting your wellbeing at danger, but you automatically end up putting the environment in danger as well, and so the wind gets polluted and subsequently so does the tides because of acidic rain. So stop polluting and save those renewable energy sources.
2. Turn off unneeded lights:
Through switching off those lights, you would automatically be saving the renewable energy source, because you wont be consuming unneeded energy.
3. Implement Solar Panels where suitable:
Through implementing such panels, using solar energy would help minimize the use of fossil fuels, that in result of consuming creates more pollution, keeping said renewable energy sources in constant jeopardizing and risk.
4. Turn of Desktop Computers at night:
By doing so, you would be helping in saving the constant consumption of energy that you don't really need and therefore would help in the use of renewable energy.