We are usually used to watching movies and TV series that discuss concepts that we are not used to, or explore worlds we are not aware of. Some creators of TV shows and movies like to explore into the unknown as a type of warning or wake up call to our own actions. In this particular TV show we see a world where all of the electricity is gone. The show begins in a normal American household where a mom and her two kids are watching television, the kids are so caught up and captivated with the television that they don’t even notice their mother talking to them. The mom, on the other hand, is on her iPhone talking to her own mother, while browsing the internet on her computer, in her lit, heated house. All things that rely on electricity. We are then introduced to her husband who rushes in warning his wife that their will be a blackout, but it is one unlike any other blackout, as he states “The lights are going off, and they’re never going to turn back on again”. The show then skips ahead 15 years after the blackout and we are introduced to a whole new different world that doesn’t have any form of electricity, were people ride horses as a form of transportation, use swords as weapons, and go hunting in order to get fed. As a result of the blackout, the government collapses and a militia are now in control, separating the states as they wish and collecting all of the weapons they can find in order to ensure that they have all the power. People who were once doctors, policeman, teachers, CEOs of companies, are now all stripped of everything they own and everything they have and spend the rest of their lives worrying about their survival. Even though this show takes us into a world that we are not aware of and a world that is very different than the one that we are used to and the one that we live in today, we can really relate to it. The show shows us all of the struggles that the characters go through after they lose the electricity and all of the changes that they are required to make a result of the blackout. Personally, this show made me realize how much we really do rely on electricity, and how technology has slowly but surely become one of the most important elements of our lives. Weather its our laptops, phones, lights, fridges, cars, or microwaves, we all rely heavily on the presence of technology. Looking at it from an even larger scale we would not have a functioning country if it weren’t for planes, helicopters, machinery in factors. Even agriculture methods and transportation methods now rely on electricity and so a world without the luxury of electricity would mean that we don't have the luxury of technology, which has proved to have a very large effect on our society. This TV show, shows us just how much we rely on electricity when we see the struggle that the characters have for their own survival and the inhumanity that occurs when people are trying to fight for their survival because of the shortage of resources. However, it also shows us how we abuse this technology because in the show the streets are full of trees and greenery rather than polluted air, which is also something they touch on in the show, showing us the effects of our technology on the environment as well as showing s the importance of technology in our everyday lives.