Science has had a large impact on our everyday lives specifically when it comes to the field of technology. When it comes to communication, business, research and many other parts of an individual’s life. Even though many people do not always notice it, most of our day goes smoothly because of science and because of technology. Weather it’s our phones, computers, microwaves, fridges, cars, air conditioners, heaters, televisions or radios, our lives would be very different without them. Even though there are many positive effects and impacts of technology on our lives it does have some negative impacts, which makes it a controversial topic.
In addition to be using used in businesses, technology has recently become very popular in education. Now, blackboards are being replaced with smart boards and books are being replaced by laptops. This has been useful and beneficial since having the access to computers and to the Internet has allowed students to have a lot of access quicker and to a lot more information than they would have previously been able to obtain. In addition internet research is simple and cheap and so it is accessible to all types of people around the world allowing students to have more information and be more globally minded. However, a negative impact of having this great amount of technology in education is that it is very easy to publish information on the internet. Since it is not a complicated process it allows more people to publish information on the Internet and so not all of the information is accurate. Some publishers try to find the most popular topics and report false information on the subject in order to generate more hits and make more money. This leads to a large amount of incorrect and inaccurate information that is found online and so students, as well as the majority of Internet users can find themselves falling in the trap of believing false information since they have learnt to use the internet and rely on the information that it generates. In addition, when it comes to school/university assignments in particular, some students have been known to plagiarize from the information that they find online since there is an abundant amount of websites on the internet, so they think that they won’t get caught.