Science and Society Science and Society | Page 26

Are you a Critical Thinker?

Being able to think critically is an important ability that will help you be able to make clear unbiased decisions concerning anything in your life. Critical thinkers conteniously try to gain/improve theses skills that would help discipline their minds: Intellectual autonomy, intellectual empathy, intellectual courage, intellectual integrity, intellectual humility, intellectual sense of justice, intellectual oerserverance, intellectual fairmindedness and intellectual confidence in reason. Therefore, critical thinking is a method of deciding whether something is true, partially-true or false.

The following test will help you identify if you are a critical thinker or not (Answers at the end of the magazine)

1) what is the 4th number in this sequence?

17, 289, 83521, ...

2) What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

3) identify both one-word answers.

The floor of ship or boat,

They walk on me at sea;

Where there’s a C, make it an S,

At school you sit on me.

What am I? _______________

4) which of these arguments is accurate?

a) You should pick candidate X because he is qualified for the position.

b) You should pick candidate Y, because candidate X has had an affair, therefore he can not be trusted for this position.

5) When you are thinking about buying a company but are hesitant, do you

a) research only information about the potential risks.

b) research all relative information concerning that company.

By: Mariam El Rayes