Science 101 Dec 2013 | Page 26

PLAY DOUGH Nancy Tomoum Do you have any idea about how play dough is invented? In fact, no one could imagine that it was accidently invented to be used as a modeling compound to make art projects.It was assumed by many people that it was actually planned by someone to invent a substance to be used by children as a toy,or a teaching method. The true story behind this is that  in 1930,Noah McVicker invented a cleaner compound,which is made of flour,water,salt,boric acid and mineral oil. In other words,it was one of the best inventions made at that time ,as it was marketed as wallpaper cleaner in Noah’s family soap company which called Kutol Products — in Cincinnati, Ohio. Also, it didn’t contain any toxic chemicals that could affect the users of this compound they .For example, housewives used to choose a substance that will keep the wallpaper of their home clean and to ensure the safety of their children,if they hold the play dough. However,it turned to be used by teachers in art 25