Sciatica Sos pdf Reviews Ebook Free Download Glen Johnson | Page 4

Sciatica – Why You Have Been Treating It Wrong © Understanding what sciatica is all about and the various causes leading to it provides you with the right information and enables you to take the necessary action for total healing and freedom from this condition. It is important to understand that sciatica caused by different factors needs to be treated differently; the one size fits all approach does NOT work for sciatica and can indeed worsen your condition - New England Journal of Medicine (2015). Why Conventional Sciatica Treatments Often Fail If you visit a doctor about your sciatica, he or she is likely to prescribe pain- killing medication. This can be useful as a short-term fix and may also reduce inflammation. The problem is that medication doesn’t address the underlying cause of sciatica. If you have a compressed or irritated nerve, drugs often just hide the problem without resolving what’s really causing your pain. The most commonly prescribed treatment for sciatica pains are the non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen, aspirin and diclofenac. However, the NSAIDS have significant adverse effects if used for a longer period and can result into conditions like a heart attack for those having heart conditions. Using NSAIDS for long-term has been found to 4