SciArt Magazine - All Issues | Page 37

The Art and Science of Bacteria workshop: Anicka Yi and Tal Danino Photo Credit: L. Barry Hetherington Arts at MIT “What we’re trying to do is to advance both the arts and the sciences. Illustrating science is not really the goal for us, we really want to work on the edge—to bring the two together in order to educate and excite each other and push the boundaries of both disciplines. We want artist and scientists to come together to further their research on both sides,” explains Rotzel. Alise Upitis, assistant curator at the MIT List Visual Arts Center (LVAC), finds that Yi’s work exemplifies “irreducible ambiguity [and often] changes over time in unpredictable ways due to the environment.” For her upcoming MIT List show, Yi will create a tableau revolving around a pond containing various manner of objects, and enveloped by the distinctive scent of mint. The work is part of Yi’s ongoing “Flavor Genome” project. Yi will work in collaboration with movement arts pioneer and MIT alum Seth Riskin at the MIT Museum Studio to develop lighting elements for the piece. Yi’s MIT LVAC exhibition opens May 22 and ends July 26. Catalyst Conversations: Art and Science in Dialogue MIT’s LVAC also provides support for the art and science lecture series “Catalyst Conversations.” Artist, educator, and curator Deborah Davidson sought a way to enable Boston-area artists to get more recognition for their talents and hard work. “I was noticing in a lot of gallery shows the tremendous interest in science and SciArt in America April 2015 technology.” This was the impetus for Davidson to start a series of public talks so people could get to know the artists and their work as well as learn about the science that inspires the work. Davidson’s thoughtfully curated monthly lecture series is designed to educate and inspire. Catalyst Conversations has featured Alan Lightman, Felice Frankel, Janet Echelman, and Heather Dewey-Hagborg. After the featured scientist and artist presents their work, an organic open conversation with audience participants creates a space that truly puts art and science in dialogue. Davidson observes, since launching Catalyst Conversations in 2012, “As I’ve been doing this, I am seeing both worlds opening up to each other.” It appears the sciart bases are covered in Boston this spring. The co-mingling of art, science, and technology spark inspiration and increase the public understanding of cutting-edge research, bringing the future ever closer. One can only imagine what may ignite at the next Arts at MIT, MIT LVAC, Catalyst Conversations, Mu ͕մ