Schools School of the Sciences | Page 16


B . S . to M . S . Option B . S . to M . A . T . Option

At Stevenson , students can earn both a bachelor ’ s and a master ’ s degree in as few as five years . To do so , students in qualifying majors must apply for admission to the Stevenson Graduate Program and to the B . S . to M . S . or B . S . to M . A . T . option during the first semester of their junior year . Admitted students may begin taking graduate-level courses during their junior and senior years . Participating programs at SU are designed to blend seamlessly , allowing for a powerful education that saves you time and tuition .
Within the School of the Sciences , many students take advantage of these options in Forensic Sciences and Master of Arts in Teaching .
To see a full list of graduate programs and B . S . to M . S . or B . S . to M . A . T . options available at Stevenson , please see stevenson . edu / gps .