Personal Direction
Develop professional brand and master
the Job Magnet tool that will open
opportunities and possibilities.
Meet with career advisor to practice
articulation of professional brand
and reflect on personal awareness.
Discipline Expertise
Working with your
internship supervisors to
collect your best work is a
great way to get feedback.
Refine portfolio and review learning
accomplishments achieved both in class
and outside of the classroom to select
artifacts and experiences that best represent
the desired career direction.
Meet with career advisor
and faculty to review portfolio.
Complete Senior Capstone class projects.
Professional Know-How
Refine LinkedIn profile and resumes
in Stevenson Career Connections.
Update your portfolio.
Participate in on campus interviews
for full-time career opportunities.
Attend networking events both
on and off campus.
60% of recr te
say they are ui
the best candfin
through referr
Follow up with contacts and referrals.
Confirm list of references.
Make at least two new contacts each day.
Meet with career specialist to map out job search
plan and progress toward goals.