Schools Brochure 2014.pdf Jul. 2014 | Page 9

AUSTRALIAN TERTIARY ADMISSION RANK - UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE SCORE For students wishing to be considered for university their standardised moderated school marks (50%) and standardised examination marks (50%) are used to calculate scaled scores which then result in an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). The ATAR is a number that indicates a student’s position in relation to all other Western Australian students of Year 12 school leaving age. It takes into account the number of students with a Tertiary Entrance Aggregate (TEA) as well as the number of students of Year 12 school leaving age in the population of WA. The ATAR results allow the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC) to compare students across Australia for public university places. The ATAR is recognised internationally. To find out more about the ATAR refer to the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre website and click on ‘About ATAR’: WESTERN AUSTRALIAN CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION (WACE) WACE Courses The Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) is awarded to senior secondary students who satisfy its particular requirements. Generally students will complete two years of senior secondary study to achieve the WACE. The WACE is recognised by: >  niversities -  or entry into undergraduate u f programs To achieve a WACE, students must complete a minimum of 20 course units. Students can choose from 52 courses which includes chemistry, earth and environmental science, health studies, literature, drama, mathematics and so on. For a comprehensive outline of the WACE and the courses that are available, please go to the Schools Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) website > industry - for entry into the workforce >  AFE -  or entry into practically oriented training T f programs which prepare people for work International students seeking to undertake the WACE examination pathway must consult with school administration and enrolment staff prior to commencement. 7