Schools Brochure 2014.pdf Jul. 2014 | Page 7

PRIMARY SCHOOL In Western Australia public primary school runs from Kindergarten to Year 7. This will change in 2015 when Year 7 students will move to secondary school. Pre-primary to Year 7 Pre-primary is the first year of compulsory schooling in Western Australia. Academically the main focus in primary school is on literacy and numeracy so students learn to read, write and understand mathematics. Many schools have specialist literacy and numeracy programs to help students develop these skills. What students learn at primary school covers eight broad areas: English, mathematics, science, society and environment, technology and enterprise, languages, the arts, and health and physical education. Primary school teachers are trained to inspire, motivate and build confidence in students. They work closely with parents to ensure each child thrives at school. Teachers keep parents updated on their children’s progress both informally and formally through school reporting processes. School playgrounds include play equipment that is fun and encourages outdoor activity and fitness as well as hard courts and grassed playing fields to ensure students can play a variety of sports and remain active. Students are required to take part in a minimum of two hours of physical activity each week. Most primary schools also have canteens as well as libraries where special areas are set aside for quiet study. Teaching and Class Sizes In primary school students have the same teacher for the most part of the day. Some schools may also have specialist teachers for subjects such as music, art, drama, physical education and languages. Class sizes are generally 25 to 32 children, but these vary depending on the type of school and its location. Classes may also consist of split year levels, meaning there may be students in different year levels in the same class. P  re-primary is for children turning five years old by 30 June of the year they start Pre-primary. Some classes may have more than one teacher. Teachers are often assisted education assistants or an eligible student within the class may have their own education assistant because of learning difficulties or disability. Facilities in Primary Schools Curriculum Primary schools are designed and built to provide students with safe, stimulating learning environments. Primary schools teach across the learning areas of English, mathematics, science, history, the arts, technologies, health and physical education, languages, humanities and social science subjects. The Australian Curriculum is being gradually phased in within these subjects. Classes are generally organised by year groups. The design of schools takes into account the needs of each year group and phases of learning. In some schools, designs have been changed to meet special needs and enable more flexible arrangement of classes and activities. Students in the early years of school (Kindergarten to Year 2) have large purpose designed spaces equipped with their own toilets, sinks and sheltered play areas. Older students may have activity areas close to their classrooms where they may work individually and together on projects and larger pieces of work without interrupting their peers. Most schools have purpose designed music rooms and art studios, as well as large covered areas for school assemblies and performances. The Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline sets out the knowledge, understandings, skills, values and attitudes that all students from Kindergarten to Year 10 are expected to acquire. It also includes the curriculum, guiding principles for teaching, learning and assessment and support for teachers in their assessment and reporting of student achievement. More information is available on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website at 5