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Currently , the School of Engineering has more than 70 active research projects . Our main sources of funding are government , industry , and international funding agencies , supplemented by our increasing internal funding and investment in research . The School frequently engages with industry through collaborative research and professional consulting . Over the years , we have developed a vibrant research culture and community . Equipped with world-class infrastructure and state-of-the art facilities , both students and staff undertake cutting-edge , high-impact research that provides solutions to industry needs and addresses global problems . Under the Campus ’ research strategic plans , the School of Engineering hosts three research platforms – the Intelligent Lighting Platform , the Nano-Analytical Platform and the multidisciplinary Advanced Engineering Platform ( AEP ), in addition to co-hosting the Monash-Industry Palm Oil Education and Research Hub ( MIPO ), a joint initiative with the School of Science .
This booklet provides a snapshot of our staff ’ s research activities . We welcome prospective students to explore the generous research Scholarships on offer and opportunity to work with our academics . We also look forward to potential industry engagements and research collaborations which are in line with our core commitment to research excellence and impact .
We offer full-time research programs – Master of Engineering Science ( Research ) ( MEngSc ) and Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD ) in which students work on projects in the 8 multidisciplinary research clusters . There is a strong vibrant Graduate Research Students community in the School , with over 170 of them working on their PhD or Masters supported by external grants and the Graduate Research Excellence Scholarship funded by the Campus and School .
The School of Engineering has revamped its Master by Coursework program , and will offer the Master of Applied Engineering from 2022 in the following specializations , i . e . Energy & Sustainability , Industrial & Robotics Engineering , and Oil and Fats Processing . The industry-driven programs are tailored to working engineers and engineering graduates who aspire towards career advancement in a competitive and changing global environment .
R E S E A R C H E R P R O F I L E 2022 / 2023