School of Chemical and Physical Sciences brochures Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry brochure 2019 | Page 17
Sustainable Chemistry – as part of
Keele’s commitment to green technology
and sustainability we have embedded
sustainable chemistry within our courses
so that our students understand the
impact we make on the planet and how
chemistry can help minimise this.
Industry Standard – at Keele we have
the policy that we only buy, and train our
students on, the best equipment. Our
graduates need to be able to enter the
jobs market with the skills and knowledge
of how to use cutting edge research
grade equipment and that is why we train
you on this from day one.
External Examiner’s quote
Lecture Capture – many of our lectures
are recorded. So say you are revising a
topic and you can’t understand your own
notes then you can access the lecture
capture and replay that moment.
Student feedback “This was
excellent and is undoubtedly one
of the strengths of the chemistry
department. The amount and detail
of feedback returned to students via
the Keele Learning Environment
is admirable”.
Prelaboratory Exercises – designed
so that you get the most out of the
time you spend in the laboratory, these
prelabs help you work through the
theory, data handling and practical
techniques required to undertake the
experiments successfully.
Authentic Experiments – laboratory
experiments are based directly on real
life contexts or theories discussed in
lectures and help students develop skills
in handling complex data as well as key
chemical techniques.
Practical Exam – there is a lot to learn
in the lab. Our first year laboratory
course has been designed to provide a
progressive introduction into practical
chemistry, how to use equipment and
design experiments. Each semester there
is a practical exam to test you on the
skills you have acquired.