School Newsletter 48 | Page 6

“ The Italian Experience ”
“ Where is the Love ?”
Choir Trip to Italy

“ The Italian Experience ”

In late March and early April , our school ’ s Choir travelled to Italy to take part in the “ Concorso Corale Internazionale Riva del Garda 2010 ”, organised by Musica Mundi . It turned out to be an excellent learning journey for all involved . Our Choir members learnt to appreciate choral music as an art form , and saw how it was still very much part of the cultural landscape of Europe . They also learnt how to strive for the best despite very difficult circumstances , in this case , world-class competitors . Our Choir did well – attaining a Gold diploma despite the higher choral standards . Among the places visited were Milan , Venice and Riva del Garda .
concert band


This year , our Concert Band held its annual concert , entitled “ La Danse Finale ” on 23 January 2010 . Besides raising funds for the school ’ s new Indoor Sports Hall , the performance also presented another opportunity for our band members to showcase their musical talents . It was an evening filled with anticipation , music and laughter . Gracing the occasion were Dr Zoe Boon , our Principal and Mr Tai Seng Chong , our Vice-Principal . In the enchanted audience were our three teacher-supervisors , Mrs Lam Siok Hiang , Mrs Rosemary Neo and Mr Ong Eng Kiat , members of the teaching staff and their families , parents , students and even music lovers from other schools .
The concert started off with a delightful march , “ March Blue Sky ”, followed by more melodious and light-hearted pieces such as “ I Could Have Danced All Night ” and “ Enka Medley II ”. The featured piece of the concert , “ Danse Diabolique ” composed by Joseph Hellmesberger , was definitely an eye-opener , ably conducted by Mrs Chua . Members of the Alumni performed famous title tunes from “ The Prince of Egypt and “ Beauty and The Beast ”. As far as the audience was concerned , it was a night well spent . In all , a total amount of $ 6,616 was raised .
english drama club

“ Where is the Love ?”

On 19 April 2010 , the English Drama Club had two sold-out performances for their friends and the public , in a bid to showcase their talent and passion for acting and performing , as well as to raise money for the school . Under the strong leadership of the EDC ' s President , Edna Sim and Vice-President , Hee Yuquan , the Tower Hall was transformed into a ' garden setting ' fit for the evening ' s main performance titled ' Where is the Love ?'. The 3-piece play , including ' Mega Mag ' which won the Gold Award at the Singapore Youth Festival 2009 , also featured up-andcoming stars of EDC , and judging by the standing ovation the performers received for both shows , it was certain that the members ' hard work and hours of rehearsals and preparation had paid off tremendously .
The EDC is especially thankful to the school body , particularly Dr Boon and Mr Tai , who attended the matinée and the evening show respectively . It was definitely a night to be remembered and the camaraderie shown by all members as well as supporters clearly answered the question of the night - that ' LOVE ' was indeed in the air .
The EDC looks forward to our next public performance and hopes to give a better show for one and all .